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St. Michael School Annual Giving 

Together with God’s love, we can continue to build a wonderful Catholic environment for St. Michael School students! St. Michael School is a family of students, parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, staff and community that works together to help keep the school’s mission of faith, scholarship, leadership and service alive. Helping to build St. Michael Annual Fund enables each student to grow in a Catholic environment  and to learn through hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) based lessons that will help prepare them for their future. Your gift to St. Michael Annual Fund helps to make St. Michael School’s curriculum is stronger and helps to ensure committed and highly-skilled teachers for the students. St. Michael School strives to build each student’s love for God, themselves, and others! You can help make a St. Michael School education GREATER!

Your past contribution to St. Michael School Annual Fund has contributed to the STEM/Maker Space Lab for all ages, desks and chairs, 1:1 computing in each classroom in Kindergarten-8th, playground areas, and more. Future goals for the Annual Fund include continuing to keep the curriculum for the students at the highest standard, continuing to bring the latest technology to the students, and continuing to have the finest teachers educating St. Michael School students.

Thank you to all of our supporters for your continued help in making St. Michael School, a school of Catholic excellence and a leader in education.

Why does St. Michael School have an Annual Giving?

The tuition and fees of each student attending St. Michael Catholic School does not cover the total cost of educating each student. St. Michael School seeks to bridge the gap between income and expenses through gifts to the Annual Giving.

Who gives to the Annual Giving?

Parents, past parents, faculty, alumni, grandparents, corporations, foundations and friends. 

What is my Annual Giving gift used for?

Every student and teacher benefits directly from your gifts. Gifts to Annual Giving support teacher, technology, materials in and out of the classroom, and campus maintenance.

How much should we give for the Annual Giving?

We ask each family to consider thoughtfully and give as generously as you can. We value your participation and recognize that the gifts will range from $10 to $10,000. The only gift too small is no gift at all. 

To give a gift to Annual Giving, please click on the link below:


Click on the above link to donate online or, by clicking here to download the donation form , make your check to St. Michael School and send your gift to: 

St. Michael School Annual Giving
805 East Northern Ave.
Crowley, LA 70526

If you would like to know more about Annual Giving, please call Holly Broussard at 337-783-1410.

Thank you for supporting St. Michael Catholic School!