Mission Statement
The mission of St. Michael School is to promote growth in faith, scholarship, leadership, and service, and to build a faith community rooted in gospel values, centered on the Eucharist.
St. Michael School has a rich tradition of faith, scholarship, service, and leadership which has been passed on through the years since it was founded by the Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament in 1900.
The faculty is dedicated to the Church’s mission to proclaim the Gospel and to “Teach as Jesus Did.” As disciples of Jesus, the faculty strives to lead young minds to find God’s presence in the ordinariness of life and to see the relevance of Gospel teaching in daily life. Spiritual growth is fostered through liturgy, prayer, reflection, compassion and forgiveness, inspiring students to live as Jesus commanded each of us to live, loving and serving one another.
We Believe
In providing a strong Catholic education centered in the person of Jesus Christ steeped with teachings in faith and morals, inspiring students to live as Jesus commanded.
That Christian leadership is developed through service to the school, church, and wider community by building the Kingdom of God, living, loving, and serving one another.
In providing an excellent academic education using the latest and best research-based instructional practices
In preparing our students to assume responsible roles in an ever increasing globally inter-dependent society by striving to foster their desire to seek wisdom and truth, equal justice, and the discipline to become independent learners with the capacity to make moral decisions, and the responsibility to transform and enrich the world with gospel values.
In using every teachable opportunity to model, guide, and instruct students while striving to educate the whole child, providing for their individual differences and unique gifts.
That the development of an enduring character is essential not only to govern a student’s behavior, but also hopefully, to enable them to live happy fulfilled lives in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic faith.
In a commitment to form a faith-filled educational community giving priority to developing the trust and support of our parents, who have the primary responsibility for educating their children in the teachings of the Catholic faith.
Product Statement
Upon completion of St. Michael School, each child will have been taught to develop individually as a Christian who lives as an integral part of the Catholic faith community.
The students are encouraged to approach academic challenges openly, to understand and accept personal and social responsibilities through service to the Church, community and their country, and to value life, family, country, freedom, and opportunity.